Monday, March 8, 2010


I sent this email to several legislators in Maine.


I am excited about the legislation before the Maine Legislature pertaining to warnings on cell phones about health hazards, as I believe it may become a model for other states (like mine, New York) and possibly for the country. A friend of mine has had a number of surgeries where he holds the cell phone. Many have had similar experiences -- some not as fortunate as my friend, who continues to lead a healthy, productive life. I also have a niece and nephew who needless to say want to emulate the actions of adults, and I don't think one can be too careful in providing warnings to them.

I hope it is okay that I am writing from another state (first time I've ever done this!), and I also apologize for the shotgun delivery of this email to multiple recipients. Having said that, I just would like to express my deep misgivings regarding the continued sale of wireless services without appropriate warnings about their increasingly apparent and sometimes very serious health hazards.

Since I know you are all very busy, I will close here, with heartfelt thanks for the work you are doing on this matter, as well as with my hope that the Children's Wireless Protection Act will pass in the Maine legislature, for the benefit of Maine's residents and also as a model for the rest of the country.


Eric Schayer
23 Lexington Avenue
New York NY 10010
(646) 853-5615

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